In a statement made earlier today the Kenya police service issues a warning to Kenyans Withdrawing Money from locals banks. According to the police any Kenyan should avoid withdrawing large amounts of Money from locals banks after a rise in reported case of Kenyans being robbed moments after withdrawing large sums of money from banks.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

This alert by the police Coles after a recent incident where a local business man lost Ksh 1.7 million moments after withdrawing it from a bank along Mombasa road.

In the unfortunate incident the man who withdrew the money from the unnamed bank along Mombasa road is reported to have lost all of it after daring thugs tracked him from the bank upto his residence in Syokimau, five Kilometers away from the bank.

It is alleged that the gang of five tracked the man from the bank where they had spies. They followed him to the parking lot of the bank and later to an apartment in Syokimau where they broke into his car and made away with the cash.

Following this latest attack police issued a stern warning to Kenyans advising them against withdrawing large sums of money. They warned that some rogue bank employees were in cahoots with thugs. These employees alerted their thug colleagues whenever a a customer withdrew large sums of money.

Following this Intel the thugs would trace the said customer and later rob him. This is not the first time such an incident has happened. Due to this the police have now warned Kenyans to be on the alert and avoid withdrawing huge sums of money from the bank…CONTINUE READING>>

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