Kamala Harris’ aggregated favorability rating is stronger than Joe Biden or Donald Trump has achieved in more than two years.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The vice president’s popularity has upticked sharply in recent surveys, according to RealClearPolitics’ tracker of polls between July 22 and August 11. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s overall favorability rating stood at -4.7 on Wednesday, with 44.5 percent finding her favorable and 49.2 percent unfavorable.

The last time Joe Biden’s favourability rating beat that was in October 2021, when it was -4.4, with an unfavorable rating of 50.7 percent and a favorable one of 46.3 percent.

Trump last held a stronger favorability rating than that of Harris in April 2022, when it stood at -3.5 percent. Despite becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee just three weeks ago, Harris’ campaign has been successful in helping her overtake Trump in many polls, reversing the former president’s lead when Biden was the nominee.

The share of registered voters who think Trump will win in November has fallen 10 points, from 58 percent to 48 percent, in less than a month, according to Marist College polls conducted between July 9 and 10 and August 1 through 4.

Only 40 percent of voters thought Biden could win the election last month, before he stepped down as the Democratic nominee, and now, 51 percent believe Harris will win.

Republicans remain confident that Trump could retake the White House in November, with only 6 percent saying Biden or Harris looks more likely to win.

Harris’ campaign has clearly been targeting younger demographics, with her social media strategy hailed for doing this incredibly well.

Her KamalaHQ page on X has been averaging 6 million views per post since July, according to analysis from CNN. That compares with BidenHQ’s 500,000 views per post.

Grayce McCormick, founder of Lightfinder Public Relations, previously told Newsweek that the campaign has shown a “nuanced understanding” of how to connect with Generation Z (those born between 1997-2012).

By jumping on viral trends like “brat summer” and sharing meme-worthy content, McCormick said that the Harris campaign is forging a connection with Gen Z that makes her relevant.

She said: “One key reason this is working so well is the campaign’s agility and responsiveness. Gen Z values real-time interaction and authenticity, and Harris’ team has been quick to jump on trending topics to show that the campaign is tuned into the same cultural moments.

“This approach humanizes politicians, making them more relatable. By engaging in the same digital spaces and using the same language as Gen Z, they bridge the generational gap and dismantle the stereotype of politicians being out of touch…CONTINUE READING>>

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