Safina party leader Jimi Wanjigi has voiced scepticism about the recent political developments involving President William Ruto and ODM chief Raila Odinga.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Wanjigi, who has had conflicts with the current and previous governments, suggested that President Ruto is  attempting to consolidate power by bringing everyone on board to suppress the masses’ voices.

Speaking on Citizen TV, he expressed concern that the alliance between Ruto and Raila, which has seen Raila contribute some of his top advisors to the ruling administration, might unravel.

“Let’s wait and see how long they will last when they are there because they may jump out. I would not be as confident as Ruto is about uniting the country,” he said.

Asked about his view on the broad-based government, he said:

“Maybe Raila has not understood the gravity of the problem and how deep Ruto’s ship has sunk.”

Wanjigi also criticised the newly appointed Treasury Cabinet Secretary, John Mbadi, stating that while he is intelligent, he is unlikely to resolve the economic issues plaguing Ruto’s government.

Despite some regions of the country appearing content with the current developments, Wanjigi, a businessman, argued that Kenyans are united in their economic suffering and unlikely to support the current administration.

Furthermore, Wanjigi suggested that Kenya might face a General Election before 2027, contending that Ruto has violated the law and that Parliament has disregarded the constitution.

“I am a very intentional person. We have drawn up a script following the Constitution that will bring an election before 2027,” he stated.

In other news, Wanjigi revealed that he was inside his house when police raided his home. Wanjigi said his family supported his decision to stay hidden during the raid despite being roughed up by police, adding that they feared the police would kill him.

He accused President Ruto of going after him after daring him to face him and not extend grudges to his residence…CONTINUE READING>>

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