Former Lukenya area chief Tirus Ndambuki Musyoka has been ordered to pay a fine of Ksh.200,000 or serve a four-year prison term after he was found guilty on three counts of bribery and abuse of office.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Nairobi Anti-Corruption Court Principal Magistrate Isabellah Barasa delivered the verdict, highlighting the severity of the offences committed by Musyoka.

The former chief was found guilty of accepting a bribe of Ksh.50,000 from Peter Muhia Njega in 2019, in exchange for the release of Njega’s cattle that were held at KBC Police Station.

Alongside Musyoka, former KBC Police Station Officer Commanding Station (OCS) Chief Inspector Francis Bundi Wilson and former Joska Police Post OCS Inspector Kyalo Munyao Nthiwa were also convicted.

Both officers were fined Ksh.100,000 each with an alternative of serving a two-year prison term. Wilson and Nthiwa were found guilty on two counts of bribery.

The three individuals were implicated in a bribery scandal involving the unlawful detention of cattle belonging to Njega.

The court heard that Njega was coerced into paying a bribe to secure the release of his livestock, which had been wrongfully impounded by the officers…CONTINUE READING>>

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