Break fast meals is the food you take during the morning hours, the type of food you eat and the method in the preparation of this food matters a lot.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The foods and everyday habits of a person plays an important role in his or her skin health. This is why you need to be very conscious about the every day habits and foods you eat especially in the morning hours.

In this article, I will be talking about breakfast habits that are aging your skin faster.

1. Eating too much sugar in the morning

One of the worst eating habits you should avoid in the morning is eating too much sugar. This is because they enhance the development of AGEs which damages the skin slowly.

The damage it causes on the skin might take some time for you to notice it but it slowly destroys the skin cells.

2. Eating White bread toast instead of whole wheat bread

These two types of breads are totally different. Whole wheat bread has been found to be more healthy for the body than white bread. This is because it is more nutritious and a great source of important minerals.

Eating White bread toast may enhance the development of AGEs and sugar promotes acne.

3. Missing out on vegetables

If you meals are mostly eggs, potatoes and other foods but no vegetables, there are higher chances that you may age faster than your mates that eat vegetables. This is because of the important antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which could be derive from eating vegetables.

4. Adding sweeteners to your coffee or tea

It is best you enjoy your tea or coffee without sugar, this is because it is much more beneficial that way. Drinking coffee or tea made with sweeteners could have a negative effect on your skin.…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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