Recognizing when someone is wasting your time in a relationship is crucial for your well-being.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Here are some signs that might indicate your partner is doing just that.

1. Lack of Communication: If your partner consistently avoids meaningful conversations or doesn’t engage in open communication about the relationship, it could be a sign that they’re not taking it seriously.

2. Unwillingness to Commit: If your partner constantly avoids discussions about the future of the relationship or seems hesitant to commit to long-term plans, they might not see a future with you.

3. Inconsistency: Flakiness or inconsistency in their actions and words can be a red flag. If they’re hot and cold, it might indicate they’re not fully invested.

4. Prioritizing Others: When your partner consistently puts other people or activities ahead of spending time with you, it could mean they don’t value your relationship as much as they should.

5. Disrespect: Whether it’s disrespectful behavior, belittling comments, or dismissive attitudes, any form of disrespect is a clear indication that your partner doesn’t value you or your time.

6. Manipulation: If your partner manipulates you or tries to control your actions, emotions, or decisions, it’s a sign of toxicity and a waste of your time.

7. Excuses: Constant excuses for not being available, not following through on promises, or not making an effort in the relationship indicate a lack of genuine interest.

8. Failure to Support: A partner who doesn’t support your goals, dreams, or aspirations and shows little interest in your personal growth may not be worth investing your time in.

9. Ignoring Boundaries: Disregarding your boundaries or making you feel uncomfortable by crossing lines is a clear indicator of disrespect and lack of consideration for your feelings.

10. No Effort to Resolve Issues: If your partner avoids addressing conflicts or refuses to work through relationship issues, it shows a lack of commitment to making things work….CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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