The bodies have been moved to Longisa County Hospital mortuary for postmortem examination. Tragedy struck Chebisian village in Merigi Location, Bomet County, when a 30-year-old woman killed her two children before taking her own life.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Police reported that the bodies of the two children, aged 12 and three, were discovered on Saturday inside their home. The woman allegedly used a panga to slaughter her children.

Her body was found hanging from a truss in the house, which had been locked from the inside. Police had to break into the house, where they found the children’s bodies in a pool of blood.

The bodies have been moved to Longisa County Hospital mortuary for postmortem examination.

According to the police, the woman had been experiencing mental trauma, which is believed to have driven her to this tragic act. However, a team is investigating the matter and will provide a report upon conclusion.

Police are also exploring the possibility that the murder-suicide scenario may have been staged. “We need to investigate to determine what really happened. It could be that they were killed and the scene was staged,” said an officer familiar with the incident and the ongoing investigation.

The rise in suicide cases has prompted calls for action to address the issue. The government has been implementing programs to tackle the trend amid financial challenges.

Police note that the increasing trend is concerning, with up to two cases reported daily. The World Health Organisation attributes such cases to factors including joblessness, death, academic failures or pressures, legal difficulties, and financial problems.

Other contributing factors include bullying, previous suicide attempts, family history of suicide, alcoholism and substance misuse, depression, and bipolar disorder...CONTINUE READING>>

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