In a move aimed at defusing escalating political tensions, Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok has suspended three County Executive Committee (CEC) members amidst a plan by Members of the County Assembly to impeach his whole Cabinet.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The suspended CECs include Andrew Kimutai Sigei (Finance and Economic Planning), Dr Joseph Kirui (Administration, Public Service and Special Programmes) and Mr Erick Kipkoech Ng’etich (Roads, Public Works and Transport).

The looming crisis came about after MCAs vowed to begin impeachment proceedings against all ten of his CECs following a controversial move by the Executive to halt impeachment of the three, thus threatening the stability of Governor Barchok’s administration.

The root of the conflict is a dispute over Sh96 million reportedly allocated to each of the 25 wards through ten different departments. MCAs accuse Governor Barchok of misleading the public regarding these funds, resulting in a backlash against local legislators.

Yesterday, Governor Barchok issued Executive Order Number 2 of 2024, suspending the three CECs to ensure uninterrupted service delivery.

“To ensure seamless and uninterrupted provision of services to the people of Bomet, I therefore … .suspend the (three) executive committee members with immediate effect,” Governor Barchok stated.

Subsequently, Deputy Governor Shadrack Rotich was appointed as the acting CEC Administration, Public Service and Special Programmes. Ms Josephine Chepkoech is now in charge of Trade, Energy, Tourism, Investment and Industry.

Ms Chepkuto Jepchirchir Julia is in charge of Water, Sanitation, Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, swapping places with Dr Benard Cheruiyot Tonui who moves to Gender, Culture and Social Services.

Ms Chepngetich Rosa, who is in charge of the Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries docket, is now the acting CEC in charge of Economic Planning, Finance and Information Communication Technology (ICT). Ms Ngeno Chepkorir Agnes, the CEC Education and Vocation Trainin, has been named acting CEC for Roads, Public Works and Transport.

Dr Joseph Sitonik, the CEC for Health Services, has not been moved in the changes that have also seen the appointment of Mr Isa Yarrow as the Chief Officer for Road, Public Works and Transport “in an acting capacity pending the substantive filling of the position”.

Last week, MCAs voted to initiate impeachment proceedings against Dr Kirui, Mr Sigei, and Mr Ngetich on charges including financial mismanagement, non-compliance with fiscal regulations and procurement irregularities.

Special committees had been formed to investigate these charges, with each committee assigned to handle specific CECs. The assembly’s impeachment process has however been challenged in court.

Two lawyers, Carolyne Chemutai and Vicky Chepkorir, filed a petition on July 31, 2024, arguing that the Assembly’s committees were improperly constituted.

Justice Roseline Korir granted a stay order, halting public hearings on the impeachment until the matter is resolved. The court will review the case on September 17, 2024.

Amidst these developments, pressure is mounting on Governor Barchok to clarify the allocation of the disputed Sh96 million and the specific projects funded.

The county boss has defended his administration’s actions, citing delays in disbursement from the National Treasury and asserting that the funds have been allocated to tangible projects within the wards...CONTINUE READING>>

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