Also in Benin, the fight against terrorism continues. On the night of July 24 to 25, 2024, terrorists attacked Beninese soldiers in the W National Park in Tango, Karimama, a town located in the northeast of Benin, in the Alibori department.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

These terrorists arrived on motorcycles and reportedly targeted a communication tower guarded by soldiers and rangers. According to a statement from the South African nature protection NGO African Parks, which specializes in managing parks in Africa, including those in Benin, 12 people lost their lives in this attack, including 7 Beninese soldiers and 5 rangers from African Parks, with others reported missing.

African Parks also announced that it is taking steps to identify the bodies of its personnel and inform the families of the rangers, to whom it will provide support…CONTINUE READING>>

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