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Guinea Corn Health Benefits: Guinea Corn Benefits

Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits of Sorghum

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Guinea Corn (sorghum)

Guinea corn, often known as sorghum, is a gluten-free, high-protein cereal from the Poaceae grass family.

It is one of the most important cereal crops in the world, coming in fifth place behind maize, wheat, rice, and barley in terms of production. There are two types of guinea corn: white guinea corn and red guinea corn.

I’m not familiar with the differences between white and red guinea corn. If you have any information, please share it with me in the comments section below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Guinea corn is a staple food in many African households and is the preferred weaning diet for newborns. In Nigeria, it’s known as guinea corn or dawa, while in India, it’s known as jowar.

This underappreciated crop is high in fiber and phenolic chemicals, both of which have been linked to the prevention of heart disease and metabolic problems.
Nutritional value of Guinea corn: Sorghum Nutritional Values

Sorghum has elements that make it suitable for human diets, such as:

1 cup (192 grams) of raw sorghum grain provides:

Calories: 632 kcal
Protein: 20 grams (g)
Fat: 7 g
Carbohydrates: 138 g
Dietary Fiber: 12 g
Thiamine: 0.6 milligrams (mg)
Riboflavin: 0.1 mg
Pantothenic acid: 0.7 mg
Vitamin B6: 0.8 mg
Copper: 0.5 mg
Iron: 6 mg
Magnesium: 317 mg
Phosphorus: 555 mg
Potassium: 697 mg
Zinc: 3 mg
Calcium: 25 mg
Manganese: 3 mg

Sorghum Vs Wheat

People frequently compare sorghum to wheat because of their similar characteristics, despite the fact that both are whole-grain cereal foods. Their grasses are mostly grown for their seeds.

Wheat and sorghum both have no cholesterol and are high in important vitamins, minerals, carbs, protein, and other nutrients that benefit human health.
Health Benefits of Millet and Guinea Corn

Because the trio combination makes ogi a more nutritious meal for infants, the intended blends (maize, millet, and guinea corn) are used for ogi production.

Corn is mostly a carbohydrate source, while millet and guinea corn provide proteins, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for newborn growth.

Here’s why you should feed your newborn guinea corn. Health Benefits of Guinea Corn for Babies

Guinea corn is cellulose and protein-rich dietary energy inducer. Guinea corn contains vital proteins, vitamins, and minerals for human growth and development. We’ll look at the advantages of guinea corn for babies’ health.

We’ll look at the advantages of guinea corn for babies’ health.

Guinea maize, like many other pantry staples in Nigeria, is prized not only for its delicate and distinct flavor, but also for its numerous health advantages. Sorghum can make you feel better in the following ways:
Benefits of Sorghum

The following are some of the health benefits of eating guinea corn:

Provides necessary minerals and nutrients

Iron and B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, Panthothenic acid, and others) are abundant in sorghum.

It’s also high in minerals like magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, which are needed for bone building, heart health, and over 600 metabolic reactions in the body.

Most significantly, sorghum (guinea corn) is a high-protein food that contains the same amount of protein as quinoa.

Helps to prevent diabetes

The whole grain of Guinea corn (sorghum) is a great diet for diabetics.

The starch digestibility of sorghum is poor. This is due to the large concentration of resistant and poorly digesting starch in the endosperm.

Sorghum also contains condensed tannins, which can react with carbohydrates and proteins in the gastrointestinal tract to create bulk compounds. These digestive tract complexes give you a feeling of fullness or satiety while also lowering your glycemic response.

In addition, consuming sorghum muffins influenced glucose and insulin levels, as well as improved glycemic response in healthy adults, according to a study.

Helps to prevent cancer

The high antioxidant activity of sorghum’s phenolic chemicals may be responsible for its anticancer properties. Tannins and 3deoxyanthocyanidins are examples of phenolic chemicals.

Sorghum tannins have been demonstrated in studies to inhibit aromatase (a breast cancer-related enzyme) and so prevent cancer growth.

Tannins extracted from sorghum were also found to be more efficient than tannins extracted from grape seed in inhibiting the proliferation of colon cancer cells.

Helps to prevent obesity

In the digestive tract, Guinea corn components form complexes with starch and protein, providing a feeling of fullness or satiety and reducing overeating.

According to a recent study, healthy persons who ate sorghum whole grain biscuits felt more satiety and less hunger than those who ate wheat biscuits.

It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Long-term oxidative stress can cause chronic inflammation, which can lead to a variety of chronic diseases.

Interleukin (IL), cyclooxygenase (COX)2, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) are among the proinflammatory chemicals produced during inflammation.

The formation of these proinflammatory chemicals has been shown to be inhibited by many phenolic compounds found in sorghum grain.

It has antioxidant properties.

Most chronic diseases are caused by oxidative stress, which is caused by an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals.

Sorghum is a grain that enhances health and prevents the majority of chronic diseases.

It protects against heart disease.

Fat (lipids) found in Guinea corn (sorghum) grains have been demonstrated to improve cardiovascular health by controlling cholesterol absorption, excretion, and synthesis.

Incorporating sorghum lipids into the diet of hamsters (rats) enhanced cholesterol and its metabolite excretion, lowering plasma and liver cholesterol levels in the hamsters, according to a recent study.

Antioxidants included in whole grains help to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Aids in the prevention of celiac disease

Sorghum is gluten-free, unlike other main gluten-containing cereal crops like wheat and barley, and offers a potential and safe alternative food source for persons with celiac disease.

Helps to prevent constipation

Guinea corn contains a significant amount of dietary fiber, which aids in the correct functioning of the digestive system.

A diet high in dietary fiber also lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and colon cancer.

It helps to maintain bone health.

Calcium and magnesium, two vital minerals for strong bones, are abundant in sorghum.

Calcium absorption is aided by magnesium. Osteoporosis and arthritis are caused by a calcium or magnesium shortage.
Guinea Corn: How to Use It

You may be wondering how to incorporate guinea corn into the adult menu now that you know how to feed it to your baby as brown pap or other baby-friendly recipes.

One of the most typical methods to consume sorghum is to grind it into flour, which can then be used in baking, cereal, and the preparation of delectable breakfast pancakes.

A famous welcome drink made with ground guinea corn, water, spices, and shea butter is also popular. Guinea corn can also be successfully used as a garnish in casseroles and other dishes.
Culinary applications

Sorghum is a versatile grain that may be used in a variety of dishes.

Ways you can enjoy Sorghum

You can enjoy it in a variety of ways, including:

Baby weaning food (ogi or pap): You may produce a healthy weaning diet for infants by fermenting guinea corn with pearl millet and maize.
Quinoa or rice can be used in place of rice. Cook whole grain and pearled sorghum in the same way you would rice and quinoa
Flour made from sorghum. It may easily be used as a gluten-free flour in most recipes due to its neutral flavor and light color. To make pancakes, roti, tortillas, biscuits, and bread, simply use it alone or in a 1:1 ratio.
Popped. In a hot skillet, toss the grains and watch them pop like popcorn. Seasonings can be used for added flavor.
Syrup. Sorghum syrup is used as a natural sweetener or as a substitute for molasses in processed meals (sugar cane syrup).
Beer: Sorghum is used to make “burukutu,” a fermented alcoholic beverage popular in Nigeria and other parts of Africa.

As you can see, there are numerous ways to enjoy guinea corn’s flavor and numerous health advantages!
Sorghum Side Effects

Given all of these facts about sorghum’s health benefits, the question remains: may sorghum cause harm to the human body? However, everything in life has two sides, and in most cases, the positive sides outweigh the negative parts, i.e. The following are some of the possible adverse effects.

Firstly, people who are prone to or suffer from gastrointestinal disorders should avoid high-fiber goods like sorghum extract.
Breastfeeding mothers should continue to eat sorghum if they did so regularly prior to pregnancy. However, experts advise against abruptly moving to a sorghum-based diet while pregnant.

Even the most useful products can cause individual intolerance. Some people may get stomach problems after eating sorghum because of its high fiber content. A typical sign of this problem is flatulence.

A typical sign of this problem is flatulence.

Sorghum is a nutrient-dense grain that is beneficial to both you and your kid.

Carbohydrates, protein, lipids, minerals, dietary fiber, and vitamins abound in this dish. It’s also high in antioxidants and bioactive phenolic chemicals, which aren’t found in many other foods.

It’s also a nutritious gluten-free weaning food for infants and convalescents.

Give sorghum a try if you’re looking for a nutritious grain to try for yourself or your infant…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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