Police officers in Kericho County have launched a probe into the death of the former Kipchimchim Ward Member of County Assembly Benard Mutai.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Mutai was reportedly found dead inside his house on Thursday evening at Taiwet Sub-location in Ainamoi Sub-County. While confirming the tragic occurrence, Taiwet Sub-locationAssistant Chief Philemon Kosei revealed that the deceased’s body was found lying inside his bedroom.

According to reports, the politician’s death could have been self-inflicted. However, police officers noted that investigations were already underway to unravel the root cause of the incident.

Benard Mutai served as Kipchimchim MCA for two terms from 2013 to 2022 when he quit politics. Locals who mourned Mutai termed him a passionate and committed leader who worked tirelessly for Kipchimchim residents.

The death of the former MCA, who was nicknamed ‘Surveyor’ by the locals, left many questioning what could have triggered his decision to take his own life. The Kericho tragedy came barely a week after Lamu Deputy Governor Raphael Munyua Ndung’u succumbed to illness.

Raphael Ndung’u ascended to the Lamu Deputy Governor position after successfully running on a joint Amani National Congress (ANC) ticket alongside Governor Issa Timmy. While mourning the Deputy governor’s demise, Governor Issa Timamy regretted his deputy’s demise and termed Munyua as a colleague, a close friend, a brother, and a dedicated servant of the people of Lamu.

To his dear wife Stella Tayo Ndung’u, his children, family and friends, and all those who had the privilege of knowing him, we extend our deepest condolences on my behalf, my family, the County Government of Lamu, and the People of Lamu. “We share in your grief and offer our prayers for comfort during this difficult time….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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