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Here is a heartbreaking story for Khasandi, a mother of two, born in Eldoret. Her sad story is as a result of religion.

During a live interview on YouTube, things went upside down for Khasandi after she decided to convert from Islam to Christianity.

In her narration, she says that while she was in search of her relatives, she stole her mother’s ID card and decided to take it to a church where the pastor promised to help track her relatives through prayers. All this went on while she was still a Muslim.

After getting a chance to speak to the pastor, she was told that she needs to give her life to Christ, to which she agreed. As a result, she accepted to be born again and converted to Christianity.

Her conversion to Christianity was not well received by her father after finding out. He went ahead and enforced a curfew, denying Khasandi the chance of going to church.

Since then, things started going south for her. One day, she recalls how her dad hit her badly after coming from church, accusing her of coming home late at around 8 p.m.

The lady had not got the chance to tell her dad the real reason why she converted and will never do so because the dad passed away. The family members made conclusions that she converted because of a man, but she says it was all because of her quest of finding her relatives.

However, what pains Khasandi is that her stepmother really hates her, and she even was the one pitting her against her father, who she says loved her so much…CONTINUE READING>>

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