As the strike by teachers enters day four, various stakeholders in the education sector are involved in efforts to end the industrial action affiliated to the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet).....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Teachers, however, confirmed that the final phase of their 2021 – 2025 collective bargaining agreement has been factored in their August salaries. This formed part of their grievances after their employer failed to increase their pay last month.

On Thursday morning, union officials held a meeting with the chairman of the Education Committee of the National Assembly Julius Melly.

“He invited us to get our perspectives and we left him with the roadmap to get out of this, which is a return-to-work formula. We have seen commitment from the Ministry of Education but the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) hasn’t pronounced itself apart from serving us with a court order. Even before we were served, they had circulated it on social media,” said Akello Misori, secretary-general of Kuppet.

After meeting Mr Melly, the union officials met on their own and agreed to write the CEO of TSC Nancy Macharia, requesting for a meeting. By the time of going to press, the commission had not replied.

“We wrote the letter upon reflection and they [TSC] have told us they are studying it. However, I can’t call off the strike. It can only be done by the people who approved it [national governing committee of Kuppet],” said Mr Misori.

The letter seeks a meeting to resolve the ongoing strike and an amicable resolution to the dispute.

The letter dated August 29, 2024 highlights the union’s commitment to resolving the issues without resorting to protracted legal battles.

The TSC on Tuesday obtained court orders suspending the strike until a petition it has filed is determined. The teachers have defied the order and demonstrations have been reported in various parts of the country.

“In light of the fast-moving dynamic of the strike, particularly the proceedings instituted in court by the commission, we would wish to handle the matters with you to avoid any protracted battles,” the letter states.

On Wednesday, the secretary-general of the Central Organisation of Trade Unions (Cotu) Francis Atwoli hosted Kuppet officials in his office. He expressed his support for the strike and requested TSC to engage the union in talks.

The efforts to end the strike have also involved the Cabinet secretary for Labour Alfred Mutua who has held meetings with Kuppet officials. However, they are yet to engage in direct talks with TSC.

On Wednesday, the union asked striking teachers to continue with their job boycott. The strike started on Monday, August 26 2024.

Kuppet tells striking teachers to continue with the strike “As the strike enters day three, we urge our members to ignore any distractions and continue picketing until the union shall have signed a return-to-work formula that addresses our grievances. The war continues,” said Mr Misori.

At tge same time, the TSC says will not meet with Kuppet until it calls off the teachers’ strike.

In response to a request by the union for a meeting, the commission said although it was ready to engage the union, the latter should comply with a court order that suspended the strike on Tuesday.

In a letter addressed to Misori, TSC director for legal labour and industrial relations Cavin Anyuor said the commission has implemented the final phase of the 2021 – 2025 collective bargaining agreement (CBA) and paid teachers arrears backdated to July 1 2024.

Mr Misori had earlier in the day written to the TSC boss Nancy Macharia requesting for a meeting yesterday afternoon. However, the proposed talks now appear headed for a standoff.

“The commission has also resolved all grievances raised by the union. To this end, in compliance with the terms of the court order dated August 28 2024 and duly served upon yourselves, it is the commission’s position that the union complies with the court order and withdraw the ongoing industrial action to enable parties continue with the bipartite negotiations on any unresolved grievance,” reads the letter by Mr Anyuor.

“The commission is ready to engage with you at the earliest opportunity once you comply with the orders of the court…CONTINUE READING>>

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