Grace painfully narrated the hardships she endured in her marriage when she was newly married and had just conceived her firstborn child. Her husband would bring men into their house and force her to sleep with them, later collecting money from them.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

She was born and brought up in a family of four kids. Her dad divorced her mother when they were still young, which led her mother to develop depression. After several years of battling depression, her mother passed away.

Grace was left with the burden of raising her siblings. She did manual jobs to provide for them. After some time, she met a man who promised her marriage and helped her provide for her siblings.

Bearing in mind the burden she had, she didn’t hesitate to move into the man’s house. According to her, she conceived on the first day they slept together. When her husband knew she was three months pregnant, he started bringing men into their house and forcing her to sleep with them.

According to her, her husband would tell her that whatever she ate and drank, those men were the ones who provided it. It was not easy because he could bring three men to sleep with her in one night.

Whenever she told her mother-in-law about it, she supported her son. When Grace realized the man was a bhang peddler and smoker and wouldn’t change, she left the home for her safety. She has urged women to take their time and not rush into marriage…CONTINUE READING>>

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