Almost everyone is looking for ways to get money, people want to be loved while some want to be made happy but sometimes these things don’t come as you have hoped for unless you take some necessary actions to achieve love, money, happiness and peace....𝐑̲𝐄̲𝐀̲𝐃̲ 𝐅̲𝐔̲𝐋̲𝐋̲ 𝐀̲𝐑̲𝐓̲𝚰̲𝐂̲𝐋̲𝐄̲ 𝐅̲𝐑̲𝐎̲𝐌̲ 𝐓̲𝐇̲𝐄̲ 𝐒̲𝐎̲𝐔̲𝐑̲𝐂̲𝐄̲➡️➡️➡️

You don’t need a lot of ingredients for this bath so this bath can be done by anyone. With cinnamon, which is known for its ability to attract love, we will have good sugar to attract wealth, we will have a better financial life, we will be calmer, and we will have more love in our lives.

Cinnamon and rosemary are spices and you can get them from grocery or spice shops. Honestly, it’s not everything that we should pray for or against or visit Sangoma houses. Nah, you can always get what you want without involving Sangomas who will milk you some fortune.

If you need some aid getting out of bed, feeling happy, and living a happy life, this is will help you.

Necessary Ingredients for this bath include;

2 litres of water.

2 cinnamon sticks

3 tablespoons of either brown or white sugar. Whichever one you have

Gather every ingredient into a pot add the said two liters of water and boil to a moderate temperature. When it starts boiling. Turn off the heater or stove and wait for the temperature or hotness of the water to cool down. It must have cooled down a bit after five to ten minutes. Take it into your washroom or bathroom and with a small cup, begin to pour the sugar-cinnamon water on your body. No soap is required. Just the water and your sponge is what is needed.

After bathing, do not dry up with a towel rather wait for your body to naturally dry up then put on some cheerful and bright clothing. This will bring love and happiness. Note, you can only do this once a month and also it has no specific date or time. You can do it at any time. For Money and New Financial Opportunities, the ingredients needed are,

1. One litre of water

2. A bunch of green rosemary

3. Three full spoons of salt

4. Three full spoons of sugar

Preparation: Boil water and immediately add 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar

As you heat for a few minutes, begin to stir gently. Turn off the heat and add a sprig of rosemary. Let stand for 30 minutes. Then just strain the mixture and save the water. Residue can be removed.

Now you can head to the bathtub and relax. Start pondering positive money ideas. You can pray at St. Louis if you will. Cyprian to get rich. Let your body dry naturally and enjoy all the benefits of this wonderful bath with sugar and coarse salt. Some silence is also required. Have You Ever Bathed With Sugar? If yes what change did you see, how did it help you…CONTINUE READING>>

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