Leaders of the Azimio coalition, including Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka, have launched a vociferous attack on ODM leader Raila Odinga, accusing him of aligning with President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza government and undermining opposition values.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The gathering, which also featured prominent figures Eugene Wamalwa and Jeremiah Kioni, emphasized the need for unity among Kenyans to address the challenges facing the nation.

Musyoka voiced his profound dissatisfaction with Odinga’s support for Ruto’s administration, labeling it a betrayal of the foundational principles espoused by the opposition.

“You are either with the Gen Zs and the people of Kenya, or with Zakayo. It is as simple as that,” Musyoka asserted, calling for unity among all Kenyans of goodwill to salvage the nation.

The former Vice President criticized ODM for abandoning the people’s struggle and accused party leaders of undermining the sacrifices made by generations fighting for justice and fairness.

He further expressed discontent with the current administration’s tax policies, characterizing them as excessively burdensome and detrimental to the everyday Kenyan.

Eugene Wamalwa, who also addressed the congregation, expressed solidarity with the youth, ensuring them that Azimio remains committed to good governance and accountability.

“We are here to tell you today, the Gen Zs of this county and of this country, that you are not alone, even if you feel betrayed, you are not alone. We stand with you,” he declared.

Wamalwa went on to add, “There are those who say Zakayo must go and then those who say Zakayo must stay. There are irrevocable differences.” In a passionate moment, he emphasized that the coalition stands firmly against any attempts to play both sides politically, declaring, “We are saying you cannot have both!”

Jeremiah Kioni, another key figure in Azimio, called for accountability from the government regarding recent fatalities during anti-government protests.

He condemned the oppressive measures taken against demonstrators, reflecting widespread discontent with the current administration’s approach to dissent and civil liberties.

The leaders at the event expressed disappointment over ODM’s continued participation in the government, citing cabinet nominations as a clear sign of betrayal against the people’s trust.

Additionally, Mt. Kenya leaders, led by former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu, pledged to rally their community in support of Musyoka’s presidential bid ahead of the 2027 elections.

This endorsement is seen as a strategic effort to bolster Musyoka’s regional influence and position him as a pivotal player in Kenya’s evolving political landscape…CONTINUE READING>>

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