NARC Kenya party leader Martha Karua on Thursday, July 25, announced her exit from the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

In a statement to newsrooms, Karua, who was Raila Odinga’s running mate in the 2022 general election, noted that NARC Kenya’s stay in Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance was no longer tenable.

“Kindly take note that our stay in Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition is not tenable due to the prevailing political developments.

“As NARC Kenya by way of this letter, we are giving notice to exit the Coalition as stipulated in the exit clause (s) in the Coalition Agreement. This notice is effective from the date of this letter,” part of the statement by NARC Kenya read.

The move comes a day after President William Ruto nominated four allies of ODM leader Odinga into the Cabinet.

Following the nomination, Karua said that Azimio was done since they had been pulling in different direction for a while now.

“Azimio is shaky and I think after yesterday, it’s done. I’m saying shaky because, since the NADCO talks, we’ve been pulling in different directions.

The only thing that has saved us is that we said at the beginning of this year, let every party go and build itself. So I’ve been busy with Narc-Kenya and not busy with Azimio,” remarked Karua.

Those who have been nominated to Ruto’s cabinet from ODM include;Hassan Joho, John Mbadi Ng’ongo, James Opiyo, and Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya.

Despite the nominations, Odinga still insists that ODM has not entered into an agreement with President Ruto’s party.

However, on Tuesday, Homabay Town MP Peter Kaluma disclosed that the ODM leader had sent names to the Head of State for consideration in the cabinet a day before Ruto made the announcement…CONTINUE READING>>

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