The Assets Recovery Agency (ARA) obtained orders to possess eight cars owned by two individuals.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to a notice published in the Kenya Gazette on Friday. the government agency had earlier filed a petition at the High Court in Nairobi challenging the cars as proceeds of crimes.

The vehicles in question are a Toyota Succeed, 2 Hilux Double Cabin, Faw Prime Mover, Toyota Landcruiser, Nissan Juke, and Mazda Axela.

ARA wanted the court to issue preservation orders prohibiting the sale and sought the logbooks of the cars handed over.

In its ruling, the High Court granted the petitioner the preservation orders and certified the application as urgent.

“The Respondents be and are hereby directed to surrender the original logbooks of the motor vehicles specified in order 2 above to the Applicant within 7 days herein,” read the application in part.

The court further directed the Director General of the National Transport and Safety Authority to register caveats against the records of each of the motor vehicles.

The respondents, on the other hand, were ordered to surrender the motor vehicles to ARA and assemble all of them at the UAP Old Mutual Towers parking lot in Upper Hill.

“Take notice that if you, the above-named respondents, or your servants/agents disobey this order, you will be cited for contempt of court and shall be liable to imprisonment for a period of not more than six months,” read the notice in part.

Separately, ARA also won preservation orders in a case against three individuals who are fighting for ownership of two parcels of land in Kiambaa and Ruiru.

The court further issued preserving any rental income, benefit, and profit accruing from the two properties.

“An order be and is hereby issued directing the Chief Land Registrar to register a caveat against the records of each of the properties specified in order 1 above,” read the directive in part.

“Take notice that if you, the above-named respondents, or your servants/agents disobey this order, you will be cited for contempt of court and shall be liable to imprisonment for a period of not more than six (6) months….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>


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