An Arizona woman admitted to lying on official documents in a doomed attempt to hand Donald Trump the 2020 election.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Lorraine Pellegrino, a Republican activist in the state, pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of misdemeanor filing a false document. She was sentenced to unsupervised probation and community service, according to her lawyer.

Pellegrino was one of 11 Arizona Republicans who posed as official electors as part of a nationwide scheme by Trump and his allies to subvert Joe Biden’s electoral victory in the 2020 presidential election. Similar groups of fraudulent electors were assembled in Michigan, Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin.

The 11 fake electors were charged in April with various crimes, alongside several Trump allies including former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and ex-Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows. Trump himself has not been charged in Arizona.

Pellegrino was facing nine charges before she cut the plea deal. She is the first fake elector in the nationwide scheme to be convicted.

“Loraine Pellegrino’s decision to accept a plea to a lesser charge reflects her desire to move forward and put this matter behind her,” her attorney, Joshua Kolsrud, said.

Earlier in the week, former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis agreed to cooperate fully with Arizona investigators in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Ellis cut a similar deal in Georgia, where Trump was included as one of the defendants. Other former Trump attorneys Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro also agreed to testify against Trump in that case.

When the fake elector scheme ultimately failed, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power by halting certification of the results...CONTINUE READING>>

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