Opposition leader Raila Odinga today got paid a visit by a number of government officials at his Capitol Hill offices, Nairobi.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Odinga, first held a meeting with Principal Secretary PS Treasury, Chris Kiptoo, who visited him at Capitol Hill Square.

“We discussed key issues affecting the economy,” Mr. Odinga shared the news.

Later in the day, Raila also hosted AMISOM’s Civilian Chief of Staff Kojo Brew Acquaisie and Amb. Valerie Rugene, Kenya’s Deputy Head of Mission in Berlin where they discussed potential changes for the African continent.

“Just had a productive conversation with AMISOM’s Civilian Chief of Staff Kojo Brew Acquaisie and Amb. Valerie Rugene, Kenya’s Deputy Head of Mission in Berlin.

“Excited about the potential for positive change on the African continent and enhanced collaboration,” wrote Odinga in a statement he shared on his official X platform.

Reacting to the news, top politicians among them Lawyer Ekuru Aukot opined that, Odinga’s current position in government should be something to worry the deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

“People won’t tell you, but let me do it. The de facto deputy president of Kenya, if not a co-president, is Jakom,” he opined.

Raila’s inner circle, recently, got nominations in theKenya Kwanzaadministration where four key figures bagged top Cabinet slots.

ODM Chairman John Mbadi was elevated to the Treasury, party Minority leader Opiyo Wandayi got the lucrative Energy docket, ODM Deputy party leaders Ali Hassan Joho landed the Mining docket as Wycliffe Oparanya was named new Cooperatives minister...CONTINUE READING>>

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