National Assembly Minority Whip Junet Mohamed attacked the character of Deputy President Ruto while condemning the chaos that was witnessed in Kenol, Murang’a County yesterday. He also gave insights on the current political climate and presidential ambitions of the Deputy President.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to the Suna East MP and ODM bigwig Ruto is “too angry, too bitter and too entitled to be President of Kenya.”

Junet Mohammed said that Ruto and his associates should take full responsibility for the chaos that were witnessed in Kenol, Murang’a County. In the protests, one person was reported dead.

Junet Mohammed shocked Kenyans by saying he’s privy to plans by William Ruto to cause violence in Kisumu. “Ruto is planning similar violence in Kisumu. He has sent one (Eliud) Owalo to meet youth the whole weekend with aims of causing chaos in his visit to Kisumu.”

On the issue of Hustlers, Junet said that Ruto is polarising the country with divisive campaigns. He said that the country is being divided into haves and have nots. “Ruto is running a dangerous narrative of hustler that intends to divide this country into the haves and the have nots. Grouping the hustlers is in preparation of anarchy in this country,” he said.

Junet Mohammed termed Ruto as a dangerous man who should not be entrusted with the top seat. He said, “Ruto is a bitter man…he is fueling chaos with his money, he must be stopped we condemn the violence meted out on the people in Murang’a, the violence was initiated in the name of Ruto. Ruto is too angry, too bitter and too entitled to be the President, unless we want to spoil this country…He thinks he is owed Presidency.”

Mbadi echoing Junet’s words said, “Ruto is a violent man, we are aware of the mayhem in Murang’a, we are aware that he is planning another round of violence in Kisumu…We will not allow it…The church should not accept blood money, it’s the least we can demand.”

ODM leader Raila Odinga had earlier condemned the violence urging the government to move with speed to arrest the perpetrators…CONTINUE READING>>

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