There was a brief scene in the High Court when Attorney General Dorcas Oduor took on lawyer Nelson Havi in the case of convicted former acting Police Inspector General Gilbert Masengeli.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Oduor was leading the legal team appearing for Masengeli, with Havi siding with the Law Society of Kenya (LSK), which filed a petition seeking action against the police officer due to his supposedly blatant disobedience to the court. Ouko, while defending the former acting IG, said it was untrue that he had been arrogant and deliberately defied the court’s summons.

According to her, Masengeli was not accorded enough time to explain the circumstances leading to his missing in court  whenever he was needed. Ouko said the summons clashed with the former acting IG’s work commitments out of Nairobi. Her submissions seemed to have irked the petitioners, which comprises the LSK that Havi sides with in the case.

Havi and Ouko clashed at the height of their alternating submissions in the packed courtroom, the former asking the Attorney General to sit, this provoking her. “What do you mean I sit down? You must respect people,” fired Oduor.

She often accused Havi of misinterpreting her submissions, which forced her to occasionally rise before the judge to clarify.

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Masengeli’s woes followed his defiance of court summons seven times.

He was needed in court to explain the whereabouts of three Kenyans abducted in Kitengela.

Taking the stand, Masengeli sought clemency from Justice Mugambi, saying his absence in court when needed was not deliberate and that he was held up with work commitments.

He, however, appreciated that obeying and enforcing court orders were among his responsibilities as a police officer. The senior police officer pleaded with the judge to vacate the sentence…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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