Attorney General Justin Muturi with Solicitor General Shadrack Mose and other senior officials from the State Law Office during the tree planting exercise in Ngong, Kajiado on July 8, 2024....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Attorney General Justin Muturi has assured youth commonly referred to as Gen Zs in the country that their concerns will be addressed.

Muturi acknowledged that the government has heard their voices urging them to be patient.

“We hear what the Gen Zs are saying, and we take it very seriously,” he said.

“Whether you are leaderless or party-less, we hear you and we will take it into account. Just give us time, and we will make changes that will benefit you as the GenZ.”

Muturi spoke Monday when he led the officers from his office in the monthly tree planting exercise at Ngong in Kajiado.

The State Law Office, under the leadership of Muturi, continues to make significant strides towards Kenya’s ambitious goal of planting 15 billion trees. Muturi’s office has been assigned the second Monday of every month for this purpose.

Attorney General Justin Muturi speaking to the media at Ngong in Kajiado on July 8, 2024

The team has so far planted 22,500 trees marking a noteworthy contribution to environmental conservation efforts.

The AG expressed his gratitude, stating, “We have planted 22,500 trees so far. Thank you, State Law Office for the good work. We are confident that after three years, these trees will be mature.”

The tree planting initiative is scheduled to continue with the next event planned for the second Monday, August 12. Reiterating the urgency of environmental stewardship, Solicitor General Shadrack Mose emphasised the importance of protecting the environment against degradation.

“We don’t have any other country to turn to,” Mose said.

He also called for collective action to safeguard Kenya’s natural resources for future generations.

According to Mose, the State Law Office remains committed to the course while encouraging all Kenyans to join in the effort to plant trees and protect the environment.

“Together, we can make a lasting impact and ensure a greener, more sustainable future for Kenya,” he said…CONTINUE READING>>

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