A jilted Ghanaian young lady has shared her bitterest experiences in life with Prophet Elisha Prince Osei Kofi on the ‘Confession’ show.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

According to the anonymous young lady, her beautiful and curvy body landed her a rich and influential man who loved her dearly and was providing for all aspects of her life, making sure she lacked nothing.

Along the line, the lady said she also fell deeply in love with the man and started having strange feelings that the man might meet another lady and dump her.

The lady said this kept her worried and had to run to a friend for ideas because she was left with empty brains despite pondering for days on what to do.

She recounted that her friend advised her to seek spiritual assistance, an idea which took them on a journey from Accra to Northern where they met a fetish priest who offered to help her only on the condition that she would allow him to sleep with her and insert something into her womanhood so that her husband-to-be will be attracted and addicted to her when he makes love to her.

Initially, the lady said she turned down that particular idea but her friend forced and succeeded in convincing her to agree which she eventually gave in and laid with the fetish priest.

Right after the sexual encounter, the lady said her memory was erased totally and instantly and could not remember anything again including the man she came to tie and even her way back home.

The lady continued that she spent two years with the fetish priest and even had two kids with him until she one day got back to her senses and quickly traced back to her route.

A few days later, the lady said the fetish priest phoned and warned her that if she doesn’t return to him, any man who would agree to settle with her would not survive. The young lady said she did not believe until nine men who came her way all perished in her full glaring eyes.

According to her, five out of the nine men who came her way died in a car and domestic accidents, while two ran mad and the remaining disappeared and could not be traced up to date.

She said a pastor came through for her and asked her to visit the priest and render an apology to him, unfortunately, he had died when they got there.

Interestingly, the lady said her best friend who led her to the fetish priest has now gotten married to the same she advised to tie.

The confused and heartbroken lady pleaded with Prophet Elisha Prince Osei Kofi while seeking advise on what to do to regain her freedom and sanity…CONTINUE READING>>

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