Helina has narrated how her bishop slept with her after she went to pray for her husband, who was beating her a lot for no good reason.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

She says that her husband was from the Akurino church, but he used to beat her for no good reason. She used to run away and go back to her parents’ home, but he used to go and get her.

Helina says that one day, she ran away after her husband beat her, and she decided to call her Bishop, who was also from the Akurino church. He asked her to meet in a certain place, and when she went, the bishop asked her to enter his car so that they could pray.

She claims that after they prayed, the bishop started to touch her, and that’s when he slept with her in his car. After she went home, she felt guilty and decided to end her marriage.

She never shared it with anyone and decided to take her time before having another relationship because she feared men a lot. She has urged people to be careful with these men who call themselves men of God because some are very evil…CONTINUE READING>>

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