According to the report, the Kikuyu tribe remains the largest ethnic group in Kenya, numbering over 8 million people....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Kikuyu community are the most populous in Kenya, census results have indicated.

Volume IV of the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census results indicates that the community has 8.14 million people.

Following closely are the Luhya and Kalenjin tribes, each boasting populations in the millions, underscoring their significant roles in Kenyan society both in numbers and in cultural influence.

The Luo and Kamba tribes also hold substantial numbers, with populations exceeding 4 and 5 million respectively.

These groups traditionally inhabit regions that are pivotal to the Kenyan economy, especially in agriculture and fishing industries. On the other end of the spectrum, smaller tribes such as the El Molo, Konso, and the unique Dahalo people, each with populations below a thousand, highlight the precarious situation of Kenya’s minor ethnic groups.

Their smaller numbers reflect the challenges they face in maintaining their cultural heritage and identity amidst the rapid modernization and development of the country.

Tribe Population
Kikuyu 8,148,668
Luhya 6,823,842
Kalenjin 6,358,113
Luo 5,066,966
Kamba 4,663,910
Somali 2,780,502
Kisii 2,703,325
Mijikenda 2,488,691
Meru 1,975,869
Maasai 1,189,522
Turkana 1,016,174
Teso 417,670
Embu 404,801
Taita 344,415
Samburu 333,471
Kuria 313,854
Borana 276,236
Tharaka 220,015
Mbeere 195,250
Orma 183,023
Suba 157,787
Gabra 141,200
Pokomo 112,075
Rendile 96,313
Bajuni 91,422
Kenyan Arabs 59,021
Swahili 56,074
Kenyan Asians 47,555
Burji 36,938
Njemps 32,949
Sakuye 27,006
Taveta 26,590
Dorobo 23,171
Walwana 21,774
Nubi 21,319
Aweer 20,103
Dasenach 19,337
Makonde 3,764
Wayyu 3,761
Kenyan European 1,738
Konso 1,299
El Molo 1,104
Gosha 685
Kenyan American 596
Dahalo 575

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