Ernest Owens, editor ofPhiladelphia Magazine, reported Friday that “political sources” in the city told him that the post touting Shapiro as the VP choice was supposed to be scheduled for Monday and not Friday afternoon.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

“I’m hearing there’s a ‘firestorm’ right now,” he wrote on X. “I guess that’s an understatement.” The clip, which is just over a minute along, largely focuses on Harris but has a segment where a Philadelphian praises Shapiro after Parker declares she “can’t think of a better partner than our governor.” At another point, a voice says, “Josh Shapiro for vice president.”

A “source close to Parker,” however, told the Philadelphia Inquirer that the video was “not an announcement of anything,” and that it was merely “the mayor showing her support for a longtime friend who we know is one of the people being considered.”

The Daily Beast contacted the offices of Harris, Parker, and Shapiro, but did not immediately hear back.

Harris’ veepstakes has entered its final days, with reports saying she plans to announce who’s joining her ticket as early as Monday. The finalists are overwhelmingly considered to be Shapiro, Sen. Mark Kelly, and Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear...CONTINUE READING>>

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