Showdown is looming in the Orange Democratic Movement as the party now prepares to name a new party chairperson who will replace John Mbadi who was recently nominated by President William Ruto to serve as Cabinet Secretary in the Kenya Kwanza administration.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

A number of big names within the party have come up ahead of the announcement that is likely to be made by the party leadership in the coming days as different leaders in the outfit name their preferred candidate.

And Kileleshwsa ward representative Robert Alai now drums up for Homa Bay county Governor Gladys Wanga who he opines has the ability to hold the top position in the outfit.

“Chairman of ODM should be Gladys Wanga. You are joking with power.” He posted.

Alai endorsement of Gladys Wanga comes at a time when some members of the party are now proposing Kisii county governor Simba Arati to take the post. There are reports that Arati is eying on the Deputy Party Leader role that also remained vacant after Joho and Oparanya were also picked for Cabinet slots...CONTINUE READING>>

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