This top official is none other than Mr Tom Mboya Adala, the assistant director of National Intelligence Service,NIS. A source confirmed that the body of the deceased was found at his house in Kilimani by his uncle who was living with him. Reports says that the deceased shot himself on the head using his pistol and left a note beside him.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

“Tom Mboya Adala, a 54-year-old Assistant Director of National Intelligence Service (NIS), is said to have committed suicide by shooting himself using a pistol on the right side of the head, which exited on his left side.”Says the report.

His uncle who found his lifeless body later reported the matter to police where DCI and NIS officials arrived at the scene. It’s said that Mr Adala has been battling depression for a long time and that could be the reason for his action today.

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