A pregnant woman suffered a miscarriage after a “cold and calculating” thug sexually assaulted her in her own home. The woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had repeatedly asked Soloman Perkins, 34, to leave her property but he refused. A court heard Perkins had made sexual advances towards the woman throughout the night, which she refused, and he then followed her to bed.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The sexual assault followed, after which the woman miscarried her baby. The woman claims the ordeal caused the miscarriage but Leeds Crown Court heard there was no proof this was the case.

Recalling the ordeal, the woman said in her impact statement: “I was shaking, I was scared and petrified for mine and my baby’s life. I was left that traumatised.” Perkins became angry when the woman said she’d call the police, His Honour Judge Stubbs was told.

The judge branded Perkins a “dangerous offender” and told him: “What these offences show are an escalation of offending.” He made Perkins the subject of an 11-year extended sentence – made up of seven years in custody and a four-year extended licence period.

Perkins was also made the subject of restraining orders prohibiting him from contacting the woman, and another woman he went on to attack.

Gareth Henderson-Moore, prosecuting, said: “She described he became aggressive the more she resisted… He became angry and threatened to smash up her home. She told him she would call him a taxi and he should wait outside. He fell for this and she locked the door and called the police. While outside he became abusive and was demanding entry.”

In a victim impact statement, the woman described Soloman as “cold and calculating,” Leeds Live reports. She described Soloman as “pure evil” and said: “He is a vile and evil monster…He was cruel and made me feel dirty…I thought I was going to die that night.”

Perkins, from Harehills, Leeds, was arrested and was on bail when in September last year he attacked another woman – this time his ex-partner.

The court heard he physically assaulted the woman after he “flung” open the door to her home and shouted: “Where have you been for months.” He also called her a “dirty s***” before picking her up above his head, flinging her to the floor and kicking her about the body. He left the property, locking the woman in and returned to assault her, the court heard.

Mr Henderson-Moore said: “The incident lasted around five minutes…In a victim impact statement she said the relationship started better but it went downhill.”

The woman had left the relationship when she was assaulted by Perkins, who knew about a knee injury she had suffered in the past, but who subjected her to blows in the same place. Mr Henderson-Moore said: “She says she begged for comfort and begged him to let her up but he wouldn’t and was continuing to scream at her and telling her that she killed his father with voodoo.”

The court was told Perkins had a previous conviction for wounding. He was found guilty of sexual assault and wounding after a trial. Glenn Parsons, defending, told the court a psychiatric report had been carried out.

He said: “His ex-partner said they had never seen him behave like this and both [victims] said when looking into his eyes they thought something had changed within him. He had had a catastrophic breakdown in his mental health for him to behave like that.

“The people that do know him and know him the best said they have never seen him behave like this and clearly he was displaying as a man with mental health problems…All I can say is one can hope that the time in prison will mean he will reflect on his behaviour…and get the help he needs.

There is nothing more in my submissions that I can say because I don’t have the material because he won’t cooperate with the report that could have assisted him...CONTINUE READING>>

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