A man who killed his wife in front of their children and her lover before dumping her body in a suitcase and throwing her into the River Lea has been jailed for life.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Evil Aminan Rahman was found guilty of murdering Suma Begum in a flat in east London on the night of April 29, last year. She was gaslit, manipulated, financially controlled and assaulted before she was strangled in front of her two children, and her boyfriend Shahin Miah who was watching online and managed to record crucial evidence to give to the police.

In a desperate bid to cover his tracks, Rahman, 46, stuffed 24-year-old Suma’s body into a suitcase which was thrown into the River Lea – a tributary running into the Thames.

Her remains were discovered 10 days later by a mudlarker on the river banks. CCTV footage captured Rahman leaving the flat with a suitcase and his young child, before another camera captures him pulling the bag along the road.

Today, Rahman was told he will spend a minimum of 22 years behind bars. Mr Justice Bennathan told Rahman: “Suma Begum was a lively, attractive young woman and a devoted mother. She was kind to you even when she decided, as was her right, that she no longer wanted to be your wife.

“She had dreamed of a new, different life with a man about her own age, which dreams you stopped on April 29 last year when you very deliberately killed her. Sadly these courts often have to deal with men who have murdered their wives or partners, but what you did was more shocking even than most of those awful crimes.

“Within moments of strangling Ms Begum you folded her body into a suitcase and threw it into the Thames basin, hoping it would never be found.”

During the trial distressing details of Suma’s murder were heard. Heartbroken Mr Miah, also 24, wept in court while describing a video call from Rahman in which he threatened to kill Suma.

Suma Begum was just 24 when she was strangled

Mr Miah who was living in the United Arab Emirates at the time, told the court Suma was in the bed in the background. Speaking through an interpreter, Mr Miah told the court: “She wanted to run away and he then grabbed her throat.” There were “three screaming sounds” before the video froze and nothing more could be seen after Rahman’s initial lunge.

In a second video call from Rahman that night, the defendant told Mr Miah: “Look, I have killed (Ms Begum) and now you get ready.” Mr Miah told jurors: “I saw that frothing was coming out of Suma’s mouth and he showed me on the video and he was swearing at me.”

Her remains were found in a suitcase

The court was told Suma and Mr Miah had met through TikTok in 2021, around a year after she moved in with the defendant and had children with him following an arranged ceremony conducted over the phone in 2019. The court heard how Suma had been unhappy in her marriage and expressed desires to leave Rahman.

The prosecutor told the jury, whether defendant was “motivated by rage, shame or pure jealousy” was unimportant. He added that Rahman had deliberately strangled Suma and robbed her of her life. Rahman had denied murder and assaulting Ms Begum by beating but had pleaded guilty to preventing the lawful and decent burial of her body.

Following a month-long trial, a jury deliberated for four hours and 27 minutes to find Rahman guilty of all the charges against him…CONTINUE READING>>

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