President William Ruto has suffered major setback few days after entering into a new deal with Raila Odinga, to solve the protests from the youths. The Justice and Equity Council UK has declared its support for the August 8 protests against recent developments in the country.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

“Parliament and President Ruto have failed to address the issues from June 25, 2024. The public demands a government of integrity, competence, and merit. We urge President Ruto to resign and establish a caretaker government with a timetable for fresh elections by August 2025.

“Kenyans should peacefully protest from August 8, 2024, until this administration steps down and new elections are held. Security forces should not to use their weapons against fellow citizens,” the council told

The statement claims that state selections that represent Kenya’s variety were what Kenyans asked President Ruto to do, not the establishment of a broad-based administration.

“Kenyans have not asked Ruto to unconstitutionally cannibalize the opposition parties and compromise their oversight duty. Kenyans did not ask for a broad-based government or a government of national unity and its many mongrel substitutes. Kenyans asked that all appointments to state and public institutions must reflect the face of Kenya. Ruto has not done this as 90% of state corporations are still being run by members of a particular ethnic group,” they claimed.

The body also suggested that the president is struggling to maintain his position of authority. In order to hold the government responsible and contest executive overreach, the body demanded a judicial review of the Director of Public Prosecution’s handling of corruption cases beginning in 2022.

It also asked the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and the Kenya Revenue Authority to look into the wealth of nominated Cabinet secretaries and make sure they have paid the right taxes...CONTINUE READING>>

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