Fr Makewa High School dormitory in Machakos has been razed in dawn fire.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The dormitory went up in flames after a fire broke out in the institution early Tuesday.

The school is located in Ikombe Division in Yatta Subcounty.

Fr Bernard Musango told reporters that no student got injured during the incident since it happened while the boys were having their morning preps.

“All the students are safe from danger. The dormitory had a capacity of 110 students,” Musango said.

The priest whose church is next to the school was among those who responded when the fire broke out.

Students, teachers, neighbours and the fire brigade from Machakos County Government helped in putting out the fire.

Some students lost their valuables ranging from clothing, bedding, boxes, and utensils, among others in the fire incident.

Several schools have so far been closed indefinitely in Machakos County following school fires and students’ unrest.

Students’ unrest has become rampant in most parts of the country with at least nine schools in Makueni County being closed indefinitely.

The schools affected in Machakos County include Mumbuni Boys, Muthetheni Girls, Masii Girls, Machakos School, Nyayo Girls, Masinga Boys and Mtituni S. A Secondary….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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