A baby girl was found abandoned by the roadside with a written note attached to her.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Here is what the note says:

“I have reached the point where I have to abandon my daughter. I have not received any support from the father or family. I am a poor mom, and I hope a good Samaritan will adopt her. Her name is Purity.”

It’s sad to hear and see things like this. It’s also sad to see what life can force you to do. By reading the note, you can clearly see that she has reached a breaking point. She didn’t want to abandon her daughter; she was forced by the situation she is in. She hopes that someone who can do for her what she could not finds her.

These types of stories are regular. The lack of support from the father is also a contributing factor to these situations…CONTINUE READING>>

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