The mouth is the conduit through which the contents of the heart are communicated to the world; the rest of the work is done by your deeds. The power of love is so great that when you’re with the one you love, you do things for no other reason than to make them happy....CONTINUE READING

There are more effective ways to show your affection for a woman than just using words. Here are six more effective methods of showing your affection for a woman.

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1. be straightforward and honest with her; this is the best approach to show her how much you care. Being honest with her is important since you care about her and don’t want to do anything to harm your relationship with her.

2. go out and spend some money on lovely presents for your loved ones. Bags, jewellery, shoes, and outfits are popular among women. To simply express your affection, you might purchase any of them.

PAY ATTENTION:  No Matter How Deep You Love a Girl, You Must Never Do These Three Things For Her your affection by attentively listening to what she has to say. Also, do what you can to help her financially.

4. Express your love physically by hugging, holding hands, and kissing her; words alone aren’t enough to convey how much you care.

5. Do her some favors that she won’t expect; women appreciate it when their men come through for them in times of crisis. Doing so for your lady is a subtle way of showing her how much you care about her and the decisions she makes in her life.

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Don’t play the blame game; real love isn’t resentful or vengeful. Trying not to harbor resentment toward her is a loving gesture. You should make an effort to forget and forgive her wrongdoings.

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