Every relationship, no matter how strong, will have its share of issues and disagreements. An apology is and should be regarded as a positive way to reopen dialogue after a fight in the majority of cases....CONTINUE READING

An apology shows that you are willing to be vulnerable with one another. While it may be necessary to bite your tongue at first, a genuine and well-delivered apology can mean the difference between long-term pain and growing closer together.

1. Give yourself time to unwind.

If you need to apologize to a girl, you’re probably in a lot of pain as well. If you recognize that you are not feeling well at the moment, prioritize your needs and give yourself time to heal. Depending on the severity of the situation, this could be minutes, hours, or days.

2. Understand why she is upset.

Apologizing without meaning it or understanding why can make matters worse than simply keeping your mouth shut. If you rush into an apology, the woman will detect deceit. You must pause and reflect before apologizing. What is causing her distress? Are there any other factors that could be influencing her mood? How serious is the issue?

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3. Wait for the right time to apologize.

The art of apologizing is partly dependent on timing. If you were in the middle of watching a movie, let alone cramming the night before a big exam, you would never want someone to apologize to you. Rather, you should bide your time (within reason) and look for an opportunity when the girl is free and relaxed.

4. Approach her with solemnity.

How you approach a girl to apologize in person has a significant impact on whether or not the apology is accepted. Approach her calmly and quietly. Allow nothing else to distract you; your apology deserves your undivided attention.

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Make consistent eye contact as you approach. Don’t smile or act too casually; you want to convey to her through your body language that you recognize the gravity of the situation.

5. Tell her you are sorry.

Before you go any further, you should say sorry to her right away. If you try to explain why you’re sorry before saying you’re sorry, she may take it as an invitation to argue.

Take no time after approaching her to explain why you are sorry. Any further explanation can come after you’ve made your main point.

Being straightforward sounds simple on paper, but when emotions are running high on both sides, it can be difficult to see it through. Don’t get too worked up about it; if necessary, remind yourself that this is just the best in reclaiming your connection.

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6. Allow her time to respond.

Petty grievances are probably not worth fussing over, but more serious issues will almost certainly invoke a response to your apology. After you’ve laid all of your cards on the table, she may decide to tell you how she feels.

Look her in the eyes, stay calm, and think about everything she says. Even if what she says makes you angry, try to empathize with her; she may still be angry about what happened, and this may colour how she unfavourably reacts to you.

7. Hug her.

A verbal apology is frequently best accompanied by physical affirmation. A hug is almost always appropriate, regardless of the type of relationship you’re in. Hugging at the end of your apology will give the woman a physical representation of how you feel, and her acceptance of your hug will bring you both some closure.

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