The Bible tells us that God is a spiritual being, invisible to human eyes. Yet, there are remarkable accounts of individuals who experienced the rare privilege of seeing God face to face. Let’s delve into the stories of six brave souls who had this extraordinary encounter.[…]CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE▶

1. Moses (Exodus 33:11, 34:5-8)

Moses, the leader of the Israelites, beheld God’s glory in the burning bush and later on Mount Sinai. God spoke to him directly, revealing His divine plans. This encounter transformed Moses, giving him the courage to lead his people out of slavery.

2. Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1-5)

The prophet Isaiah saw God seated on a throne, surrounded by seraphim. This vision filled him with awe and humility, prompting him to proclaim God’s message to the world.

3. Ezekiel (Ezekiel 1:1-28, 3:12-15)

Ezekiel, a prophet among the exiles, witnessed a whirlwind of divine glory, with God seated on a throne. This encounter commissioned him to speak God’s words to the people.

4. Jacob (Genesis 32:22-30)

Jacob, the patriarch, wrestled with a mysterious stranger, who revealed Himself as God. This intimate encounter changed Jacob’s name to Israel, symbolizing his new relationship with God.

5. Daniel (Daniel 10:5-9)

Daniel, a prophet in Babylon, saw a vision of God as an ancient of days, surrounded by angels. This encounter strengthened him to continue serving God amidst persecution.

6. Job (Job 38:1-42:6)

Job, a righteous sufferer, beheld God in a whirlwind, hearing His voice and understanding His sovereignty. This encounter restored Job’s faith and fortunes…CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ARTICLES>>>

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