Aging is inevitable, and with it comes visible signs like graying hair, hair loss, and those unwanted wrinkles. But while aging cannot be slowed, the appearance of its signs can — maintaining a healthy lifestyle and sticking to a regulated diet can help with this.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

To keep your body finely toned and your mind razor sharp, here are list of 9 drinks that will help you age gracefully.

1. Coffee

Not only does modern research show that drinking coffee might help you live longer, it also shows that caffeine could play an important role in slowing down the effects of aging. That’s right—the active ingredient in coffee that most of us think of as a helpful stimulant could also be a powerful anti-aging substance.

2. Wine

Researchers found that a compound found in red wine can help to combat the effects of aging. Resveratrol, which exists in the skin of red grapes and gives the fruit its color, could stop brain cells from breaking down as we get older, scientists claim.

To really enjoy the anti-aging benefits of wine, researchers advice to drink 200 – 300 mg of wine daily. This means one or two small glasses of red wine, with a capacity of 125 ml each. This will do the trick of slowing down the aging process.

3. Water

Water keeps your body hydrated and refreshed and helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. People who drink large amounts of water are less likely to suffer from scars, wrinkles, and soft lines and they won’t show as many signs of aging as those who drink little amounts of water.

4. Green tea

Thanks to its strong antioxidants, green tea has the ability to quell inflammation, which plays a part in various other diseases. If all that weren’t enough, green tea — as well as white tea — are rich in an anti-aging antioxidant known as EGCG, which helps fight wrinkles by increasing cell turnover

5. Milk

The protein found in dairy products can help promote skin elasticity as we age. Milk also contains retinol, a known anti-aging and skin-restoring antioxidant. And also milk’s vitamin D is also an anti-aging vitamin thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects and protection from UV rays.

6. Grapefruit juice

Citrus fruits pack tremendous amounts of vitamin C, which allow for excellent maintenance and production of collagen, the substance that allows skin to be flexible and strong. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading the way to wrinkles and dry skin, both of which are unfortunate signs of aging. Grapefruit also contains spermidine, which helps cellular growth

7. Coconut water

Coconut water is rich in cytokinins, which is well known for its anti-aging properties. Since coconut water also hydrates the skin from within, it works in two ways to halt aging, from inside and out.

Since it’s packed with antioxidants and cytokinin which your skin craves, it fights aging by hydrating your skin pores. This indirectly saves your skin from aging and looking dull. Do remember that a glass of coconut water a day keeps the fine lines and wrinkles away!

8. Aloe Vera juice

As an antioxidant, aloe vera works hard to combat free radicals. Ultimately, this helps to slow the aging appearance of the skin. And early studies show that it can provide anti-aging effects on the skin by improving collagen production and skin elasticity.

9. Almond milk

Almond milk is a great ingredient in preventing early ageing. It is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin c, helps the skin to reduce early signs of ageing while improving and healing other skin problems like discolouration, dryness, hyperpigmentation and dullness…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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