Most guys struggle with dating because they don’t understand female psychology.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

These 8 harsh truths will give you important clues about why they behave the way they do.

More importantly, they’ll help you understand how to respond.

Women have one-night stands with some guys and make others wait for months. Why is that?

The answer can be found when investigating the types of guys she sleeps with quickly.

If a man presents himself as a ‘player’ with no interest in relationships, some women will want nothing to do with him. But others will jump into bed with him that night.

Yet, if the same man presented himself as a ‘nice guy’ searching for his future wife, these women would all behave like prim and proper ladies.

The ‘nice guy’ believes most women are pure and innocent. He looks down on those who aren’t. The ‘player’ knows the truth about female sexuality and has probably had several hook-ups himself, so women can trust him not to judge or spread gossip about them.

I’ve seen this with my own eyes. When I used to behave like a perfect gentleman, women would act sweet and innocent around me. Now it’s clear I’m only into casual dating, they jump into bed with me quickly. These women have shown me texts from the nice guys they’re making wait for sex.

Women love sex as much as men. It’s just they’re judged heavily for sleeping around. That’s why they need to be careful about who sees their naughty side.

There are some exceptions to this rule, of course. It only applies when a woman is attracted to you. Some women are genuine ‘good girls’. Others sleep around and don’t care who knows it. But it’s still worth bearing in mind when considering how you present yourself to women.

In prehistoric times, choosing a weak man would leave a woman and her children dead. We live in safer times now, but women still can’t trust weak men to look after them and their future family. That’s why so-called ‘beta males’ rarely get the girl.

With that said, it seems that many modern women will use them for their own gains.

A 2019 “Foodie Call” study suggested that as many as one in three women have been on a date just for the free food. It’s likely that just as many allow ‘nice guys’ to buy them drinks at the club, or become their ‘friends’ to provide emotional support and do them favors.

‘Nice guys’ are weak. They give random women whatever they want and get taken advantage of. Strong men set boundaries around women and that’s why they rarely get friendzoned or used for foodie calls.

The point of these initial tips is to encourage you to be authentic about what you want from women. If you want to treat women to expensive dinners, present yourself this way and many will let you. If you want to have sex quickly and date casually, present yourself this way and many women will let you.

Women want men who are attractive and loyal.

Unfortunately, ‘nice guys’ lead with loyalty before showing any traditionally attractive qualities.

Straight out of the gate, they’re generous with their time, words and attention. They treat women like princesses and act like the perfect boyfriend from the first interaction.

This is why I encourage men to pursue many women while they’re single. That’s the best way to stop them from simping for one woman too quickly.

It also gives women the space to chase you. When a man is difficult to ‘tie down’ into a relationship, he appears more valuable in many women’s eyes. When he’s begging to be in a relationship, most women will wonder why he’s so desperate. Society values most things based on how difficult they are to obtain.

It’s possible for men to act like confident alpha-males with a few drinks inside them. Maybe they’ll lie about their job or their earnings while they’re at it.

This trickery is the biggest reason why women feel the need to test men’s confidence.

They’ll often do this by misbehaving or making a subtle jab at one of your insecurities. Deep down, they’re hoping you’re confident enough to remain unreactive or put them in their place.

If you fold or react too emotionally, they’ll realise you’re a weak man in disguise and their attraction will plummet.

There’s more information about responding to a woman’s tests in my guide on how to deal with bratty women.

Ever been dumped by a woman who didn’t “feel the spark”?

Maybe you know one who’s dating an awful man because “there’s just something about him.”

This is because women make romantic decisions based on emotions, not logic.

There is a huge list of qualities which make a man conventionally attractive; good looks, height, muscles, money, wealth etc.

All humans are prone to making decisions based on their emotions, but a woman’s feminine nature makes her more susceptible to this.

This means you can win the heart of great women if you learn how to push their emotional buttons. I’ve been able to date hundreds of women around the world as a weird-looking 5’9” bald guy for this very reason. You can learn more about how to do the same in my guide on how to make an emotional impact on women.

We live in a world that mostly values women on their appearance.

From a tender age, little girls are being complimented for being ‘pretty’ and ‘beautiful’. Growing up, they’ll notice the media constantly lauding celebrities for their beauty. They’ll be bombarded with adverts and magazines pushing impossible beauty standards. In adolescence, they’ll notice the boys paying more attention to the prettiest girls. And that won’t change in adulthood either.

That’s why one of the best ways to stand out is not to validate them for their beauty. If you open a conversation with, “Wow, you’re beautiful”, you’ll immediately be categorised as the next normal guy.

At the same time, some (insecure) women become so dependent on this validation that they’ll relentlessly pursue men who don’t give it to them. Winning these men over becomes a challenge to reclaim their one source of self-esteem as a ‘hot girl’.

True players already know this. In fact, this is a key reason why many women chase ‘players’ ahead of the ‘nice guys’ who validate them constantly.

If you’ve ever asked a woman for dating advice, you probably heard some variant of “be a gentleman” or “show how much you like her”.

This ‘nice guy’ advice is also served up by mainstream media, despite being endlessly proven not to work in the real world.

It could be that they’re embarrassed to admit what really turns them on. Remember, a woman will never reveal her promiscuity to someone who she thinks will judge her.

Maybe it’s that they can’t logically picture themselves dating an average man, so they give advice based on how they’d want Brad Pitt to treat them.

Either way, make sure not to ask a woman for dating advice if you’re a regular guy.

A popular Manosphere quote says: “Women don’t care about your struggles, they wait by the finish line and pick the winners.”

Indeed, women have never accepted weak men with really good excuses. As we’ve explored, that would leave themselves and their family vulnerable.

It’s difficult being a man, especially with the counter-intuitive nature of modern dating. Men aren’t told the right thing to do by mainstream media. Anyone who does tell men the truth is at risk of being cancelled…CONTINUE READING>>

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