Immediately a woman’s pregnancy becomes obvious, different sources of pregnancy information open up both from experts and amateurs alike. On a first visit to the doctor, a pamphlet is usually given containing major necessary information that the gestating mother is supposed to know.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
However, there are 8 common surprising facts that can only be experienced by the mother. These are common experiences that may vary from one woman to another. These include:
1. The Nesting Instinct: Many pregnant women commonly feel the nesting urge, the strong feeling of preparing the house to welcome the baby. This is usually expressed by constant cleaning of house, cupboards, wardrobes, cabinets and others.
As the delivery time draws nearer, some even go to the extent of decorating their houses.
2. Problem of Concentration: During the first trimester, morning sickness and constant fatigue can make many women feel worn out and mentally fuzzy. This fuzziness often results into lack of concentration and constant forgetfulness.
Thinking about the new life growing within, making arrangements for its arrival, caring for the family and combining all these with work and career can be distressing and the end result is problem of concentration.
3. Mood Swings: This is one of the premenstrual syndromes that is also experienced during pregnancy. As the breasts swell and become tender, hormonal changes becomes highly volatile that it can change from being excited to being extremely sad in the next moment.
People who have premenstrual syndrome are more likely to have mood swings and this usually occur during the first trimester and towards the end of the last trimester. Through mood swings, most women suffer depression during pregnancy. Hence if you have a predominant mode swing for fourteen days consecutively, kindly see your doctor.
4. Increase in bra size: An increase in breast size is one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy which consequently causes an increase in bra size.
This results from the high actions of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. In some women, the breast growth only lasts throughout the first trimester while for many others, it continues throughout the pregnancy.
Bra size can also be affected by an increase in the size of the rib cage. During pregnancy, the rib cage enlarges in order to increase the oxygen intake capacity thereby enlarging the chest size. Some may continue to replace their bras throughout their pregnancy.
5. Skin Changes: There is commonly what women call “pregnancy glow”. It is caused by a constant secretion of skin toning pigments by the oil glands.
Some also develop brownish or yellowish patches called ‘chloasma’ or ‘mask of pregnancy’ on their faces. Some get a dark line called ‘linea nigra’ (or linea negra) in the middle of their lower abdomen, many experience hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) around the nipples, the outer genitals, or the anal region. All these are because pregnancy causes the body to produce more pigments.
Acnes are also common during pregnancy, this is because the sebaceous glands produce more oil. For someone that had acnes before getting pregnant, those tiny freckles may get bigger and darker during pregnancy. Pregnancy can also be an itching time for women. This together with flaking of the skin can be caused by constant stretching of the upper abdomen.
If you are experiencing flaking or itching, consult your doctor to recommend a soothing cream.
Invariably, these changes should go away after childbirth.
6. Changes in hair and nails: Hormonal changes during pregnancy also affect hairs and nails. Some women’s hairs tend to grow faster and fall less when they are pregnant while others witness a rapid increase in hair breakage during their postpartum periods.
Nails like hairs also undergo its own changes. some grow faster and stronger while others suffer constant breakage. However, women are advised to stay away from nail polish and its removers during pregnancy because of the chemicals they contain.
7. Increase in shoe size: Extra fluid in a pregnant body tend to swell their feet too.
This causes an undue increase in their shoe size. It is advised that women wear breathable, soft and lose foot wears during pregnancy.
8. Presence of varicose veins: Varicose veins are usually found around the genitals, on the legs and around the abdomen.
They usually occur when blood pools in veins are enlarged by pregnancy hormones. To narrow the chances of getting varicose veins, observe the following:
- Avoid standing or sitting for long periods
- Wear loose-fitting clothes
- Wear supporting hose
- Always raise your sit when you sit
Lots of surprises await a pregnant woman as she journeys through her nine months of gestation. However, either painful or exciting, there is no greater joy than when holding the new born baby right in your arms…CONTINUE READING>>
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