When your eyes become itchy and red, you will do anything to relieve the discomfort. But knowing the reason for your itchy eyes can assist you to find the proper treatment and getting some relief.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

The discrepancies between symptoms of allergy and infection, for instance, are vital to understanding so you don’t make your allergies worse.

Below are 8 causes of itchy eyes.

1. Seasonal allergies

Allergic symptoms are activated by histamine, a compound discharged by cells to protect against allergens. Histamine result in an inflammatory reaction, and itchy eyes is one of the familiar signs of histamine at work. One way to lessen symptoms is to avoid contact with seasonal allergens.

2. Perennial allergies

Unlike seasonal allergies, perennial allergies are those you may experience all year long. Things such as mold, dust, and pet danger are among the familiar causes of perennial eye allergies.

3. Airborne irritants

Some people are especially sensitive to smoke, diesel exhaust, or even certain perfumes. Avoiding exposure to these irritants is the easiest treatment. Soothing eye drops or a cool, damp cloth over your closed eyes may assist you to feel better fast.

4. Infection

Your eyes are powerless to the virus, bacterial, and fungal infections all of which can result in itchy eyes.

One of the more popular eye infections is conjunctivitis, also called pink eye because the white part of the infected eye turns pink. It is very contagious and frequently accompanied by drainage from the affected eye.

Another possible eye infection is called uveitis, an inflammation of the iris the part of your eye with color. Uveitis can result in eye pain and severe sensitivity to light.

5. Dry eye

Tears, which are a mixture of water, oil, and mucus keep your eyes moist and refreshed. For various reasons, your eyes may stop generating sufficient tears to keep your eyes from getting dry and itchy. One common reason for this is when you are getting older. As you age, tear production tends to decrease.

Likewise, circumstances like diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis can also result in low production of tears.

6. Eyestrain

Staring at a computer screen for a long time, or trying to read in a poorly light area, can strain your eyes, resulting in feeling itchy and tired. Driving for a long time, particularly at night or on a bright, sunny day, can strain your eyes, too.

Eyestrain can also generate if you are forcing yourself to keep your eyes open and remain awake when you are tired.

7. Contact lens use

The use of contacts lenses for a long time or failing to replace your lenses regularly can irritate your eyes, making them itchy and red.

If you are using contact lens, remember to take them off at night and obey other basic lens care steps. Abide by your doctor’s advice about how to care for your lenses and how often you should replace them.

8. Blepharitis

Red and itchy eyes may occur from an inflammation of the eyelids called blepharitis. It happens when the little oil glands at the base of your eyelashes become obstructed. Sometimes just keeping your eyelids clean, is enough to resolve blepharitis symptoms, which may also include watery eyes and swelling.

Blepharitis does not normally result in vision loss, but it can be a chronic crisis that leads to conjunctivitis and other complications. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications may be necessary to provide relief and prevent further problems….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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