A 78-year-old Namibia-born man currently living in Sweden has launched a search for a child he claims he sired during his stay in Kenya over five decades ago.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

Bonaventure Kaaka Chawila, who lived in Kenya between 1968 and 1972, revealed that he was romantically involved with a woman from Kangemi named Jane Wanjiku wa Kimani.

“The girl was born when I had joined the Somali National University. Her mother and I later lost contact. Jane (my daughter’s mother) had a son called Kimani, and one of her brothers (my daughter’s uncle) was also called Kimani,” he said.

He said his daughter is around 52 years old, and he hopes to find her. “Any information that can help me see my daughter will be appreciated,” he added.

In other news, a distressed woman launched an appeal to find her missing daughter, who disappeared years ago.

Veronica Okure explained that her daughter Lucy Atieno, also her only child, is special to her because of how she gave birth to her. Okure explained how she was mistreated and looked down on because of her inability to conceive and give birth.

She had to stop living an irresponsible life when the daughter gave birth and welcomed the title mum. Good Samaritan seeks help for abandoned kids Elsewhere, a local Good Samaritan sought assistance for two young children left to fend for themselves after their mother abandoned them to marry another man.

According to the concerned citizen, the children’s mother left them after her new husband-to-be expressed a strong dislike for the kids.

This distressing situation forced the siblings to live alone, taking on the burdens of cooking, cleaning, and other daily tasks typically managed by adults…CONTINUE READING>>

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