The Skin is what I love to refer as the most prominent and obvious part of your body. It gives a little but vital indication of how healthy you are. For instance, although the condition of your your skin is not a definite diagnosis of any health problem, having a pale skin can be an indication that you’re either dehydrated, sick, or have a disease. Your skin is also one of the major indices people use to predict your age.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
While some persons look younger than their real age others look way older than their age and one of the major causes of this phenomenon is the diet those people consume. In this article I will highlight six foods that can make you look older than your age and why you should stay away from them.
Asides other factors, diet is one of the major factors of looking younger or older than your real age. Physiologically aging of the skin is tied to the accumulation of free radicals in your body. These free reactive radicals can cause the cells of your skin to age faster by wrinkling. As you know wrinkled skin is largely associated with aging skin, Infact it is the most important factor that predicts aging. Below are foods that can promote accumulation of free radicals in your body and thus cause you to look older than your real age.
1. French Fries
2. Processed meat such as barbecue
3. Alcohol
4. sugary or soda drinks
5. Candies
6. White bread
As I already mentioned, these foods cause an increase in the level of free radicals in your body which speed up the rate at which your skin ages. My simple advice would be for you to stay away from these foods and instead consume more healthy natural foods such as vegetables and fruits that are filled with antioxidants to counter the effects of free radicals or oxidants on your skin…CONTINUE READING>>
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