Semen is a fluid that has a lot to say about a man’s health. It not only transports sperm cells into the territory of the egg in a woman, but it also has a lot to say about his health. If you notice that you ejaculate less fluid during intimacy or when you attain an orgasm as a guy, you may need to pay more attention to your body.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

There are a lot of reasons why a guy may only discharge a little amount or volume of sperm. However, they are rarely caused by major medical issues unless the semen volume is so small that you can hardly see it when you reach orgasm. So, in this post, we’ll look at some of the causes of low discharge during intimacy in males, as well as when to visit a doctor about the problem. Simply relax and take pleasure in the reading post while learning something new.

What Are The Causes Of This Problem?

1. Low Testosterone Levels; this is also known as hypogonadism, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. However, if you see a significant decrease in your discharge during intimacy, you should consult a doctor or begin exercising more frequently and improving your diet to enhance your testosterone level and get back in shape. Poor or severely low semen volume can make it difficult or impossible for a male to get a woman pregnant.

2. Diabetes is a condition that results from the body’s inability to control blood sugar levels. When this happens, a man may experience a variety of difficulties, ranging from weak erection to erectile dysfunction to low discharge volume. If you have diabetes and notice a considerable reduction in the volume of your discharge, you should contact a doctor to figure out how to control your blood sugar levels.

3. Consistent Intimacy; males who engage in regular intimacy with their spouses often notice a lesser volume of sperm. This is because of the many releases they performed during the previous intimate session, but after giving yourself some space and allowing your body to recuperate, your sperm concentration should return to normal.

4. Enlarged Prostate Gland; this is usually a benign condition that affects men in their forties and fifties. It’s also one of the causes of low discharge during intimacy in men, so consult a doctor if you notice any other symptoms like frequent urination, eagerness to urinate, painful urination, or a leaking urine stream.

5. Older Age; just as old age is associated with erectile dysfunction in the majority of cases, a man’s volume of discharge is bound to decrease as he ages or grows older due to lower testosterone levels and the aging process. There’s no need to be concerned if you’re older and observe a tiny difference in your discharge quantity; it’s perfectly natural.

6. Multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries can both induce a decrease in semen volume.

When Should A Man Seek Medical Attention?

You should consult your doctor if you notice a declining trend in your discharge. The good news is that most reasons for low discharge volume or quantity may be handled or treated by competent medical agencies, so there’s no need to be concerned. Your doctor may prescribe various drugs to help restore your testosterone levels….CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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