Nuts are a very healthy set of food for the human body. Nuts are seed kernels that are widely used in cooking or eaten on their own as a snack. They’re high in fat and calories.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
The vitamin E found in nuts is needed by the immune system to fight off invading bacteria, so nuts are great for helping to prevent colds. That is why it is advisable we all incorporate nuts into our diet.
There are certain types of nuts that help keep our immune system healthy. Some of them include;
1. Cashew nut
Cashew is a very healthy nut for the immune system. Their high levels of copper and iron support your body’s red blood cells and immune system. Consuming cashews has been shown to help your body expend more energy while you’re resting. Incorporate this into your diet for healthy living.
2. Peanut
Peanut is also another healthy but foe immune system. This is due to its high amount of copper. Copper is essential for red blood cell formation and healthy blood vessels, nerves, immune system and bones. Try to add this nut to your diet.
3. Groundnut
This is a very healthy nut for the immune system. Studies have shown that the arginine in it is known to stimulate the immune system. The fiber in it also helps lower blood sugar levels. Try to consume it regularly to stay healthy.
4. Walnut
Walnut is also healthy for the immune system. Aside from enhancing brain health and function, walnuts are equally beneficial for boosting immunity. This is mainly due to the presence of Omega 3 fatty acids. These nutrients are highly anti-inflammatory, reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer. Always consume it regularly to stay healthy.
5. Tiger nut
Tiger nuts are also healthy but for the immune system. Tiger nuts may contribute to a stronger immune system and help fight infections. Always consume it to stay healthy…CONTINUE READING>>