Have you ever been dumped and felt heartbroken as a lady? There are types of men every lady must avoid having a relationship with if she loves her heart.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

You may have spent days listening to sad songs and staring at pictures of your ex.

These days, young people call it “Breakfast” which is a slang term for being dumped in a relationship.

Last week, we talked about the kinds of ladies every guy must avoid. Today, we bring you the opposite news – the kinds of men every lady must avoid.

This is because it works in opposite ways. Just like we have bad eggs in women, we also have bad eggs in men. Some men are more likely to dump their girls than others, even if their partners are perfect.

Let us take a look at these set of men below:

1. Players:

Ladies, be cautious of guys who are womanizers, pursuing anyone in a skirt. They often find it challenging to commit to one person, leading to infidelity or breakups.

Avoid dating a playboy if you do not like heartbreaks and heartaches.

2. Mummy’s Boys:

While these men may appear caring, they often unconsciously compare their women to their mothers. If you don’t meet their expectations, they might use it as a reason to end the relationship.

Although not all mummy boys that exhibit this behaviour, still pay close attention.

3. Male Best Friends:

Before transitioning a friendship into a romantic relationship, evaluate the pros and cons. Just because you’ve known someone for a long time does not guarantee compatibility as lovers.

Ensure the romantic feelings are mutual, as one-sided affection can lead to heartbreak.

4. Men with Large Egos:

Alternatively, they are also called egotistic men. They have inflated egos and believe they are doing you a favour by dating you. They live in a delusional world where they see themselves as the best partners.

If they feel underappreciated, they might end the relationship. Dear lady, run from them.

5. Overthinkers:

Avoid dating individuals who worry excessively, as their constant anxiety and overthinking can lead to pessimism. This negativity can create internal and external conflicts in the relationship, ultimately leading to a breakup.

6. Commitment-phobes:

These men are afraid of commitment and intimacy. They may be afraid of getting hurt or of losing their freedom. They may not even commit to the relationship because they are so unsure and uncertain about you.

As a lady, this is not the kind of guy you need in your life, take a walk.

7. Emotionally Unavailable:

When a man is unable to connect with his partner on an emotional level – they are not on the same page with you as a lady, you do not feel heard, understood, or emotionally secure with them, it is a bad sign.

These men may be emotionally unavailable due to past trauma or because they simply do not know how to express their emotions. Moreso, if they are not willing to learn for you, avoid them.

8. Immature Men:

Immature men are not ready for a serious relationship. They may be impulsive and irresponsible, and they may not be able to meet the needs of their partners.

They can go overboard with reactions and or seeking attention. Run away from such men.

If you are dating one of these types of men, it is important to be aware of the risks. You should be prepared for the possibility that he may dump you suddenly, even if you do nothing wrong…CONTINUE READING>>

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