1. Avoiding Future Talks.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

If your partner never talks about the future, like getting married or having a family, it could be a sign they’re not thinking long-term. A person serious about marriage usually discusses these things.

2. Not Making Commitments.

If your partner hesitates or refuses to commit to smaller things, such as moving in together or planning trips, they might not be ready for bigger commitments like marriage. Someone ready for marriage is usually willing to make plans together.

3. Keeping You Separate.

Marriage often involves blending lives, families, and friends. If your partner keeps you separate from important parts of their life, like not introducing you to family or friends, it may show a lack of interest in building a future together.

4. Trouble Talking About Feelings.

Good communication is important in any relationship. If your partner avoids talking about feelings or working through issues, it may indicate a lack of openness, which is crucial for a successful marriage.

5. No Clear Plan.

While not everyone has an exact timetable for marriage, if your partner can’t give any idea about their plans or goals for the relationship, it might suggest a lack of commitment or a desire for a long-term connection…CONTINUE READING THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

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