There are many types of vegetables in Nigeria. Vegetables are consumed by people of of all ages. Vegetables are highly by dietician, nutritionists, and other experts because, vegetable contains several nutrients and medicinal properties.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
Although, all vegetables are highly nutrious, there are still some vegetables that are more nutrious than their counterparts. These vegetables are regarded as, the healthiest vegetables. Thankfully, many of these vegetables are avaliable in Nigeria.
Five Healthiest Vegetables On Earth You Should Eat Regularly
1. Carrots: carrot is a well known vegetable in Nigeria. The crunchy bright orange vegetable can be eaten raw or, it can be used to make salad or, to prepare fried and jollof rice.
Carrots have several nutrients some of which include; potassium, antioxidants, vitamins etc. Carrots has the ability to prevent lung cancer and prostate cancer in men.
2. Ginger: although, ginger is popular in Nigeria, many people are still unaware of the fact that, ginger is a vegetable. Aside from being a vegetable, ginger is also a multi purpose spice and ingredient that can be used for preparing many things.
Ginger is an effective way of regulating blood pressure and blood sugar. Ginger also reduces the effects of menstrual pain, cognitive decline, and osteoarthritis.
3. Sweet Potatoes: aside from being a vegetable, sweet potatoes are also one of the healthiest foods that exists in the world today. Sweet potatoes can be prepared by, boiling, roasting, mashing or, frying and it is good for people of all ages including, toddlers. Sweet potatoes is a special vegetable because, of it’s sweet taste, and how easily they can to fill the belly.
Sweet potatoes contains high levels of vitamin A, fibre and antioxidants that prevents certain diseases and promote eye health and good health in general.
4. Green Peas: green beans is commonly used for making salad and cooking certain foods. Green peas is not just one of the healthiest vegetables that exists today, it is also, one of the best beans one can eat. Peas is a rich source of nutrients like, fibre, vitamins, niacin, protein, etc.
The nutrients in peas helps to fight cancer and improve digestion. Even though, green peas doubles as beans and vegetable, it still has a relatively high level of calorie which means, it not very suitable for overweight people.
5. Spinach: spinach is a popular vegetable in Nigeria that is commonly referred to as, green. Green can be used to cook a variety of dishes such as; porridge yam, sauce, porridge plantain, and soup. Green is considered to be one of the healthiest vegetable there is because, it has many nutrients and health benefits.
Green is a rich source of antioxidants and other properties that, can prevent cancer, lower blood, help the heart to function better, regulate blood pressure, and strengthen the immune system…CONTINUE READING>>
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