Your liver is one of the largest organs in your body and it’s primary function is to filter the system by converting toxins to waste products.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>
1) Garlic. It contains certain sulphur compounds that are essential for supporting the liver and activates liver enzymes which are responsible for flushing out toxins and waste products from the body.
2) Leafy green vegetables. High in chlorophyll which helps in removing toxins from the bloodstream making your liver to be healthy.
3)Fruits and berries. Grapefruits,apples, avocados and all citrus fruits. They are good for the gut and stimulates the liver. Fresh juice is also good for the liver.
4)Fatty fish. Fresh fish like tuna sardines. They prevent build up of excess fats and maintain enzymes in the liver.
5) Coffee/tea. Coffee reduces the risk of liver cancer. Green tea is high in antioxidants which helps in removing out toxins in the liver.
I hope we have learnt something new today. Let’s learn to take care of our livers…CONTINUE READING>>
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