The feeling of emotional or physical tension is never a good thing for the body. It is normal to feel stressed as an adult because you’re faced with many responsibilities, however, if stress is not properly managed, it could transit to the chronic stage, which is dangerous.....CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE>>>

This article will show you five negative effects of stress on the human body and some foods you should eat whenever you’re stressed to help manage it.

Effects of stress on the body.

1. Skin and hair conditions.

You don’t expect your skin to look fresh when you’re stressing it out. Stress can lead to itchiness and hair loss and if you’re diagnosed with certain skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, stress can worsen it. Stress can also make you look older than your age.

2. Stomach problems.

Stress may not be regarded as a health condition, but it’s equally dangerous. If you experience stomach problems regularly, then you should check your stress level. Stress can cause an imbalance in stomach bacteria, thus increasing your risk of developing gastrointestinal disorders.

3. Reduced immunity.

The body’s ability to fight off diseases is greatly affected by stress. What this means is that you tend to contract diseases like colds or flu easily when you’re stressed. You can boost your body’s immunity by reducing stress and eating healthy foods.

4. Affects your mental health.

Stress can lead to depression, which affects your mood and participation in activities which you previously enjoyed. Stress does not have any positive effect on the body, this is the reason why it should be reduced.

5. Muscle and joint pain.

One common sign of stress is tightness or soreness in your muscles. When not properly managed, stress can increase the effects of arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other health conditions.

Aside from getting enough sleep and rest and exercising. Food also plays a huge role in relieving stress. Below are some foods you should eat regularly to help relieve stress.

1. Sweet potatoes.

This is one of the best stress-relieving foods out there. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of magnesium (a nutrient which helps to promote relaxation and calmness). Sweet potatoes are also high in cortisol, which functions to lower stress levels.

2. Organ meats.

Examples of organ meats are the heart, liver, and kidneys of animals like cows and chickens. They contain B vitamins, riboflavin and folate, which assists to relieve stress.

3. Garlic.

Many people dislike eating garlic because of its smell. Research shows that incorporating garlic in your diet may help to relieve stress due to its ability to increase the levels of glutathione (an antioxidant which helps to prevent stress).

4. Eggs.

Consuming eggs helps to improve the body’s response to stress due to its high vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants contents which helps to tackle stress in the body…CLICK HERE FOR MORE ARTICLE>>>

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